5 Steps to Hiring and Managing Contractors

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Bathroom renovation projects usually aren't done alone. You will need a team to make your bathroom renovation project a success. 

So, regardless of whether you are hiring a general contractor or subcontractors, there are some rules of engagement that you should keep in mind at all times as you navigate through the screening and hiring process and even after the project is underway.

Training Overview Section

Here are some of the important topics that we will cover in this free training.


Before you begin your bathroom renovation, you will need to select a team to complete the work. Here we cover some best practices for doing so. 


Workmanship is an important component of any bathroom renovation. But what if issues arise with regard to this element?


Regardless of whether you are working with a general contractor or if you are running your own renovation, clear communication will be of the utmost importance.


No matter the circumstances of your renovation, you will want to take the proper steps to ensure that you are actually aware of what's going on. 

 Learn the Process, Planning Skills

and Foresight You Need To 

Bring Your Dream Bathroom To Life

Let's Get You Up To Speed

Bathroom renovation projects have lots of moving parts. And, despite that fact that the project occurs in a specific area within your home, the project can impact many other elements of the home including your daily routine. Here, we will cover the basic groundwork to assist you in making one of the most important decisions that you will make: hiring contractors.  

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